
How do I order using zipPay?

Simply add your items to the cart as normal. During the checkout process select 'zipPay' as your payment method. zipPay is available on orders over $50 and under $1000. zipPay pays your order in full, and then you pay it off in weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments.  A monthly account fee applies. Visit the zipPay website for further information.

How do I open a zipPay account

While checking out, select zipPay as your payment option and it will allow you to sign-up on the spot using social or email. Alternatively, sign up on the website first before shopping. For more information, visit the zipPay website.

What happens if I return my items?

Any cancelled orders are refunded back to your zipPay account.

What if I Purchase an item on Pre-order?

Your payment plan with zipPay will still begin on the day you place your order. If for any reason your order is cancelled the plan will be cancelled and the amount refunded back to your zipPay account.